St Paul's UMW Gathering May 19th!

Text Box: Attention St. Paul’s Women:  
Save the Date

The next Gathering of all the St. Paul’s Women from ages 12 to 102 will be held on:

Date:  Sunday, May 19th

Time:  11:30 to 1:30

Place:  Fellowship Hall

Luncheon included

Program:  Decorating birdhouses

Fee:  $8 if you choose to decorate a birdhouse. No fee for luncheon.

Hostesses:  Eloise Foley and Mimi Harper  Please RSVP Eloise (916)390-2081.  It helps to know how much food to prepare and how many birdhouses to bring.
Text Box: Attention St. Paul’s Women:  
Save the Date

The next Gathering of all the St. Paul’s Women from ages 12 to 102 will be held on:

Date:  Sunday, May 19th

Time:  11:30 to 1:30

Place:  Fellowship Hall

Luncheon included

Program:  Decorating birdhouses

Fee:  $8 if you choose to decorate a birdhouse. No fee for luncheon.

Hostesses:  Eloise Foley and Mimi Harper  Please RSVP Eloise (916)390-2081.  It helps to know how much food to prepare and how many birdhouses to bring.
Text Box: Attention St. Paul’s Women:  
Save the Date

The next Gathering of all the St. Paul’s Women from ages 12 to 102 will be held on:

Date:  Sunday, May 19th

Time:  11:30 to 1:30

Place:  Fellowship Hall

Luncheon included

Program:  Decorating birdhouses

Fee:  $8 if you choose to decorate a birdhouse. No fee for luncheon.

Hostesses:  Eloise Foley and Mimi Harper  Please RSVP Eloise (916)390-2081.  It helps to know how much food to prepare and how many birdhouses to bring.


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