
Showing posts from November, 2019

St. Paul's Christmas Cantata - Sunday, December 8th at 7:00 PM


Surviving the Holidays GriefShare Seminar - December 5th, 1:00 to 4:00 PM


United Methodist Women's Annual Bake Sale - Sunday, November 24th following worship


GriefShare Informational Meeting - Wednesday, November 20th at 1:30 pm in the Fireside Room


United Methodist Women Annual Christmas Luncheon - December 7th at noon

UMW Annual Christmas Luncheon Saturday, December 7, 2019 12:00, noon Camellia Gardens Clubhouse 197 Garden Circle Dr. E (Entrance from East Yosemite Ave. between Pestana Ave. and Austin Road) All Women of St. Paul’s U.M.C. are welcome to attend! Lunch includes Chicken, rice, green beans, salad; Price $10.00 Please sign up with Frona Winter before December 1 st During Fellowship Hour or Call 209-823-7336 or Email: RSNFEWINTER@VERIZON.NET

Sunday, November 10th - Celebrating our November Birthdays and Our Quadragenarians (those turning 40 - 49 this year)


Annual Charge Conference - Monday, November 25th at 2:00 PM

NOTE DATE CHANGE St. Paul’s Annual Church Conference We received notice from the district that our annual church charge conference date has been changed. This new date for this year’s conference is Monday, November 25th at 2:00 p.m. in the Fireside Room

St. Paul's Annual Christmas Luncheon - December 8th - Make Your Reservations!

St. Paul’s Annual Christmas Luncheon Sunday, December 8th following worship in the Fellowship Hall Our Annual Christmas Luncheon will be Sunday, December 8th.   We will have a fully catered lunch of ham, scalloped potatoes, sides and dessert.   Again this year, we will not sell tickets, but ask for all who plan to attend to please make a reservation so that we can get an accurate headcount for the caterer . The   approximate cost of the dinner is $12 for adults and $5 for children, however we want ALL to be able to attend and ask that you donate only what you can comfortably give for you and your family. Your presence is what is most important.  Those who are able to pay it forward for someone else are appreciated and encouraged to do so.   Reservations can be made with Judy Karnes following worship on Sundays or by contacting the church office during the week.