
Showing posts from March, 2019

NEW Pastor Lisa's Living by Grace sermon is now available!

New Living by Grace sermons now available  HERE

Have Questions? Come to Table Talk!

Click HERE for St. Paul's Church App

MICA's Evening of Respect March 29th

Please Join Us for MICA’s 3 rd Annual Presentation of “An Evening of Respect” Friday, March 29, 2019 – 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm Hosted by   The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 1233 Northgate Dr. in Manteca _________________________________________________________________   The theme for the evening is “Developing Empathy for Others ” A video presentation from the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio Titled Empathy: The Human Condition to Patient Care . Speakers:     Henrietta Brown, “Village Awareness of our Special Needs Community”.                      Mike Dillman, Retired Pastor and Vietnam Veteran, with PTSD.                     Clay Basepayne, Insight into the life of an Autistic child. ___________________________________________________________________ MICA Mission and Vision Statement Manteca Interfaith Community Appeal (MICA) endeavors to bring together people of variou

Ash Wednesday


Wednesday Night REVIVE!


Instructions for Keeping Lent

Instructions for Keeping Lent Lent is a season of repentant spiritual preparation in anticipation of Good Friday and Easter.   Beginning on Ash Wednesday, Christians throughout history have entered into a forty-day period of self-examination, prayer, scripture reading, fasting, and self-denial to prepare for the observance of the tragic horror of Jesus’ crucifixion on Good Friday and the celebration of the astonishing joy of Jesus’ resurrection on Easter Sunday.   To help begin this process of repentance, consider the following suggestions: First Step – Examine your life by asking yourself, “What is there in my life that is getting in between me and my relationship with God? What is a stumbling block to my following Christ?”   ‘Stumbling Blocks’ to having a closer relationship with God fall into two categories: 1)     Destructive behaviors such as anger, quarreling, envy, slanderous gossip, fornication, drunkenness etc.   (refer to Gal. 5:16-21) 2)     Overindulging in goo