
Showing posts from January, 2019

Can you hear me now?

Communicating in today's world can be a challenge!  Some people respond to cell phone calls, some only to texts; some people use emails, others use Facebook, or Instagram or Twitter or Snap-chat etc. etc. etc.!!!  If I send out a message on Facebook but not Twitter, I might miss many people in our community who no longer use Facebook and only use Twitter.  So although the number of ways to communicate is always increasing, ironically, reaching everyone more difficult than ever! To meet this challenge and empower us reach as many people as we can, St. Paul's is currently broadening our use of communications technology and social media.  Along with our phone number, we are now offering a smartphone app to keep in touch (more info on this later!).  And along with our email of the Mid-week Epistle, we will now be posting articles on our new blog "The Mid-week Epistle" (, as well as posting more frequently on Facebook and opening Twitt